What Makes You Believe You Are Not A Machine?
When I was walking to office yesterday, I had a vision. I saw robots walking in the streets alongside me. I saw that these robots had started to believe the world around to be true. They were walking along the streets interacting with each other. They have baby robots walking alongside. Some robots had started trading essential commodities for other robots to buy. Then I looked up and I saw an eye, an eye watching this world of robots. This eye probably belonged to the human/creature/species/God who created this robot universe just for the fun of it and he is now observing how his subjects interact with the universe. He was probably laughing at the naivety of the robots who have believed the world they live in to be the truth. My vision then dressed these robots with human skins and clothing. Now, I could see no robots, I only saw humans. But they were robots just a while ago.
What are robots? Machines, aren’t they? What are humans then? Aren’t we machines in the most fundamental sense. We humans can program robots and hence we believe robots to be machines, but we cannot create or program a human and hence we deny the human body to be a machine. But, what if, there is a much advanced species in the universe who knows the art of biological programming. Who can play with atoms in our universe in completely different ways and spawn planets, stars or creatures out of them. I just made this term up ‘Biological Programming’. I just made that term up.
This species is probably watching on us as we go about our daily lives, as we ruin the only habitable planet in our universe. They are probably laughing at us for creating imaginary boundaries on this blob that hangs in nothingness which we call earth. They have probably spawned multiple such universes and are experimenting with what works best. Some may ask, if such a species exists, how have we not discovered them yet? Because they exist in a completely different dimension. A higher dimension which allows them to see throughout our universe. Higher Dimension? What’s that and if something is in a higher dimension why can’t we see that? What stops us? Are we humans ever incapacitated of doing anything even with our cutting edge technology? Explaining a higher dimension is a tad bit difficult and I too am trying to wrap my brains around it. To truly understand a higher dimension it is essential to understand how life would be in a lower dimension than us. We live in a 3D universe and imagining a higher dimension object is completely outside our mental faculties. But, we can certainly imagine a 2D universe. I recommend this amazing video explaining 2D universe aka Flat Land:
Once you are on this video, I hope Youtube’s algorithm will take care of enlightening you through videos explaining higher dimensions. Beware though! Thinking too intensely on these concepts will make you believe in God. No, not the God that you worship in your altar. A higher dimensional being who was responsible for spawning our universe. This God does not interfere with the workings of the universe. He has programmed the rules of the universe when spawning it and now he is probably studying the results for submission to his God.
If you enter this realm, you will truly start questioning the existence of anything. You will seek the truth. You will understand how futile it is to hold grudges towards your fellow humans, to blindly run behind making money, to fight over petty matters, to have a dream list, to do anything. Our universe is made of nothing, yet we are all running behind achieving something, no one truly knows what, because after achieving that something the happiness is only momentary. However, what we crave in life is eternal bliss. This eternal bliss can only come through the acceptance of nothingness of our universe.